Tuesday, May 12, 2009


so, i went out saturday night to hang out with my amazing friends, who i havent seen in soo long. our original plans both fell through so we hung out with some oldies but goodies. we left mighty late... really for no reason... soo:
Lesson 3:
know when to say no to your friends

one of our friends convinced us to drive complety out of the way then where we were going. It was 4 in the morning. Instead of putting our foots down and saying no, we said yess. I didnt get home until 6 in the morning... and had to wake up to go to church in the morning. So i know it can be hard.. but when its time to say no.. you have to do it.
sorry this one is so short... but im tired and have to do things tomorrow. There will deff be a post tomorrow. =]

Until we meet again.

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